Welcome to the Institute for Materials and X-Ray Physics at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Germany
Please feel invited to read more about our research activities, to browse our publication list or to get an impression of our group life (group members & alumni and events).
At present our main efforts are directed towards an understanding of:
- Self-assembly, phase transitions, and dynamics of soft molecular condensed matter in geometrical confinement.

- Adsorption-induced deformation and elastocapillarity upon condensation of liquids in porous media, most prominently hierarchical porous silicon and silica.

- Fluid transport and rheology of liquids in porous media, in particular in nanoporous solids (Nanofluidics).

- Design principles for mechanical, fluidic and photonic metamaterials based on combinations of porous solids with functional soft molecular fillings (electrolytes, (bio-)polymers, liquid crystals).

- The fundamental structural and statistical properties of fluid interfaces, that is the relationship between the thermodynamics, the microscopic structure of these interfaces and their microscopic and macroscopic hydrodynamics.

- Liquid wetting and spreading at planar interfaces.
