27.11.2017 Article A ferroelectric liquid crystal confined in cylindrical nanopores: Reversible smectic layer buckling, enhanced light rotation and extremely fast electro-optically active Goldstone excitations has been published online in Nanoscale.
13.7.2017 TUHH@DESY
Students and staff of Technische Universität Hamburg visit Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY) and enjoy a tour across the campus and the PETRA III beamlines guided by Milena Lippmann and Oliver Seeck. A few impressions can be found here.
May 9-11, 2017 Minisymposium: Fluids in Nanoporous Media
organized by Gennady Gor and Patrick Huber at the 9th International Conference on Porous Media (InterPore meeting), May 8-11 2017 in Rotterdam
Weiterlesen: Upcoming Minisymposium: Fluids in Nanoporous Media
24.2.2017 Review on Adsorption-Induced Deformation of Nanoporous Materials (by Gennady Gor, Noam Bernstein and Patrick Huber) published in Applied Physics Reviews.