DASHH Ph. D. Student Position
There is a Ph.D. student position available in our research group, embedded in the Data Science HELMHOLTZ Graduate School Hamburg for the Structure of Matter (DASHH).
10.9.2019 Nondestructive high-throughput screening of nanopore geometry in porous membranes by imbibition published in Applied Physics Letters
May 6-10, 2019 Minisymposium: Fluids in Nanoporous Media
organized by Gennady Gor and Patrick Huber at the 11th International Conference on Porous Media (InterPore meeting), May 6-10 2019 in Valencia, Spain.
15.1.2019 Discrete supermolecular ring assembly: From nanoscale physics to metamaterials science
published as highlight in the Photon Science Report 2018 of DESY.
31.8.2018 Elastocapillarity in Nanopores
Study on sorption strain from the actions of surface tension and surface stress published in Physical Review Materials.