15.02.2023 Our article on the fabrication of hierachically porous silicon and silica has been published in the jorunal 'Small'. See also DESY's press release.
28.11.2022 A study on in operando high-resolution X-ray diffraction and electron tomography-based micromechanical computer simulations of electrochemical actuation in pSi-polypyrrole composites was published in Physical Review Materials.
14.11.2022 Hamburg scientists win North German Science Prize: The Centre for Multiscale Integrated Materials Systems (CIMMS), a materials science centre in which our institute is involved, receives the North German Science Award 2022. Here you can find the corresponding press release in German and here a short summary on Instagram.
09.11.2022 Our joined work with the research group of Philippe Coussot (Université Gustave Eiffel, Paris) on drying of mesoporous silica glass using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was published in Physical Review Applied.